Summers here !

Summers  here are you happy ! Because I am 😀 this is just a short hello to summer and to you . in my next blog post i’m going to try to do a 300 or more blog post . Now that it’s summer what would you wish for I mean i’m only asking because every summer I make a wish and I mean it might sound weird but it’s not .

{ blog you latter }

secret gift giver

Today is Monday and is the second to last week . So we are going to do a secret gift giver and its going to be fun . I would tell you who I got but I can’t or the person might look at this blog and I don’t want them to know so sorry i’ll tell you when its all over and i’ll tell you also who gave me a gift  i’m so wanting to know who’s going to give me a gift my gosh . Any who  I learned nothing but to have fun . If you were to buy a gift for someone in secret gift giver what would you get . I think I will get um lollies for the person i’m doing or something vintage . I don’t know ? is my best guess so far but it’s due next Tuesday so I better be a quick thinker so ya .

{ Blog You Latter }


Doing the teachers hair

When we went swimming I didn’t because I forgot my togs . So I did my teacher’s hair with Alice , Anik , Indy  and me . we did very easy hair styles and it was very funny what it turned out to be. We had fun .


I learned how to braids but there’s  really easy . I also learned that we destroyed our teachers hairdo what was very pretty .

blog you latter


Friday of this week

This week has been insane ! Like we have had to do Market day , Circus , Steam  and a lot more . But today is Friday and its soccer today where the kids who want to go play soccer can go play but they play soccer with other schools but I didn’t go but luckily I wasn’t the only one there were to other girls form my class they were Ruby and Amiria . So today we are in misters class what will be fun I think . But here we are in his class with some of the girls from his class Ava , Isabella , Zoey   and  Georgia . So right now i’m writing this .

{ blog you latter }

Robots with Mrs Pickard

Hey  i’m back with a new post . On Monday we did robots with Mrs Pickard . here are some photos and after I show the pictures .This was one of my pictures  I have 11 but we only did 9 of the things . The one on the top was our first one we did and the one on the bottom was the second to last one . Out of the to pictures I put up I like the first one and I know they look the same but they not the first one use’s a on and of button and the second one you can see needs a magnet to work . its really cool but ya . My partner was Anik she was a lot of help but she did the most of the stuff .

We got a job to do and that was  to see : What is electricity made of ?

well electricity is made of  , Electrons  and there’s a lot more like there are

Atoms and atoms are made of nucleus

So I learned how to make and program technically but I know more about robots  than I did .

{ blog you latter }


circus kaitaia work shop

Hi its me and this is kaitaia work shop circus and this is me doing some of the stuff here . At kaitaia circus we did lots of things but I like the plates the most , because you can do lots of tricks . For food we had hot dogs those were yum I had um two I think but still it was good . Also I did a performance on the stage I did plates , who la hoop , big fans with fabric hanging of them and that’s it .If you were there what would you do . Would you go on stage and perform in front of 100 kids ? and if you did what would you do ?.  [ blog you latter ]

Careers farm visit


Hey guys its me Ayla and this is me at the careers farm visit . I will tell you all about it . Firstly it was supposed to be for year 9’s and 10’s  and we are year 7 to 8 maybe a 9 but we got a special  invitation to go there I think .In the first picture I put in this is us making sure that all the calf’s are milk cows and not meat one’s and ya when I say there is more pictures I mean more pictures  there are a lot And if there was a meat cow we would have to keep it in the box and they would do something with it I don’t know it did not happen thou . This is when we were going down to the mini forest here come some more pictures .Ok this is us walking well some running down we had to clime over a fence ! but it was not hard and the adult cows got in and there poo is so yuck!!!!!!!! 😀 it’s slimy and even badder than that like writing this make’s me feel like can see it . Then there is the auction .             Ok just saying the bulls buts remind me of a song and if you don’t know it it goes like this , she got bid butts and I can not lie , and the song keeps on going but it will take a little long so i’m not going to . Here comes the sheep this was one of my favourite ok this was long ago but I did not do it so I’m doing it now but the sheep are cute .I learned that you can be what ever you want also I’d like to thank you the people who helped us with every thing it was really nice of you .

{ blog you latter }


spelling menu

Hey this is my spelling menu we have one every week it is so fun and it is time consuming .My words are ,middle,missed,artist,business,comment,slushie,waffles,toppings,golden,rubbish,window,routine,folding,program,science,We have 15 words and there are lots of different  activity’s .I did left hand , small writing , big writing and rainbow words  . [blog you later :D]

At the second disco

Hey its me again .Last disco i was katy perry but this time i was … kattniss everdeen  im on the right . My friends are Norah and Ruby . It was so funnnnnnn 😀 we danced a lot the food was American hot dog ,drinks,pizza and brownies. If you went to a disco what would you dress up like.